For the last week, I've been talking with my friend, Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl, about YOUR business!
You see, about 4 months ago, Derek surveyed all of his customers and subscribers. And one of the questions he asked was, "What's the #1 challenge you currently face with your Internet business?"
And you know what?
A whopping 74% of everyone surveyed said "email chores" -- like replying to customer emails, sending email campaigns, managing newsletters, and adding (and removing) email addresses from their opt-in list -- are taking up anywhere from 15-40+ hours of their time each month.
Obviously, this is a big problem for *everyone*, so to help you out, I got permission from Derek to give you access to his webpage that explains, step by step, how even a computer dummy can automate the 5 most critical email chores...
... Plus, he also explains how, by using automation tools to do this, he made over $3.4 Million with email marketing last year -- and how other people have increased their incomes by 242%... $80,000... even $200,000 using these strategies.
However, Derek is ONLY making this page available for
72 more hours...
So if you didn't get my email last week, or you haven't checked it out yet, I'd advise you to move quickly and visit: you enjoy this as much I have!
All the best,
Ed Amaral :)
P.S. If you're among the first 250 people to contact Derek, he'll also give you FIVE SUPER BONUSES (valued at over $827, but yours FREE!), including the secrets of building a HUGE email list of 1,000s of qualified buyers -- quickly, even if you don't have much traffic to your website yet!
To get started, visit:
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