Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm creating this first blog to do a brain dump. I just finished an incredible weekend of learning Internet Market tips and secrets. The wealth of information and possiblities is mind boggling and totally exciting!

Derek Gehl of The Internet Marketing Center,, presented the most comprehensive Internet Marketing seminar and it was FREE! "Yeah right!" you say. He taught exactly what his company has been doing and that IS working today. He also presented the management tools that they have developed to automate the everyday process of running an e-business. Those comprehensive tools are where his company will be rewarded financially for giving away the most valuable information that I have ever found!

Once you have a profitable business because someone helped you, aren't you going to go back to him/them and buy the tools that they created that are already working for them to do everything you need to do to put you e-business into autopilot? Everyone say, "YES"!

I've got an incredible Domain Name Sales business that will explode from the techniques learned this weekend. Best Priced Domains,, will become one of the top Domain Name resellers in the world! Also, Best Priced Domains now offers this same Domain Name Sales opportunity to you! Visit if you want more information on how to start your own domain name business.

It takes more than a great web site and e-business to succeed. You also need to know how to present it on the Internet so that (a) people can find it and (b) people will like it and make purchases. The free information given away at the seminar provided everyone there with the knowledge to do just that. BTW, there were only 500+ people that attended! A relatively small group, but more than twice what they originally planned for.

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